The State of Pakistan’s Agriculture 2024
This is a time of hope for Pakistan’s agriculture sector. The corporate and financial sector is looking at agriculture as...
This is a time of hope for Pakistan’s agriculture sector. The corporate and financial sector is looking at agriculture as a business prospect and the country needs agriculture to turn its macro-economic imbalance around. Yet there are many questions among corporate and financial sector players about how to enter the business of agriculture and its related sub-sectors. To address these questions and apprehensions, this report presents case studies of a mix of corporate players: some that have built their agricultural linkages over decades and others that have begun moving into agriculture in recent years. There are textile players, rice exporters, food companies, input suppliers, bankers, insurers, agriprocessors, and a Chinese conglomerate operating under the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). This diverse group is united by the willingness to make bold plays in the agriculture sector whether their driver is the depreciation of the rupee, a commercial need, a diversification strategy or a corporate strategic priority.
The case studies showcase plays across the agricultural landscape by players from across the corporate and financial sector: